
A Veteran Owned Company That Gives Back

Live to Give started as a bottled water company, creating great tasting purified water that you can find in Texas area local retailers. We then expanded with our amazing line of coffee and patriotic apparel that you can buy online. Our goal is to provide high quality, everyday products to people like you! And you can feel good about buying Live to Give products knowing that 50% of all net profits are donated to charities that support military, veterans, first responders and their families.

How Did It All Get Started

Warrior. True American Hero.

(he hates it when we say that)
John Wayne Walding, aptly born on the 4th of July, lost his leg to sniper fire while fighting in the battle of Shok Valley, Afghanistan. After being hit, John continued to fight next to his fellow soldiers for an incredible four more hours. The numbers that day are the story of legends. Twelve American Warriors. Two hundred enemy fighters. Two Medals of Honor. One Air Force Cross. Eight Silver Stars. Eight Purple Hearts. And the most important number…ZERO. Zero American fatalities. John then went on to become the first amputee to re-qualify as a Green Beret Sniper. He medically retired in 2013. Live to Give is his way of continuing to serve.
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee Live to Give
House Blend Medium Roast Coffee
Live to Give House Blend is 100% Arabica beans sourced from South and Central America. With notes of caramel and milk chocolate, this smooth medium roast is sure to wake you up and keep you going throughout the day. As always, 50% of the company’s net profits are donated to charities supporting military, veterans and first responders.
  • Ground
  • Whole Bean

Love For The Coffee

Charities Supported